Bruno Anselmo, a visual artist, has graduated from the School of Fine Arts (Belas Artes, SP), having become a specialist in scenography for Theater, Cinema and TV. With 19 years of career, Bruno stands out as a restless creator whose talents enable him to easily flow through different genres, styles and languages. "A storyteller through images", as he deFInes himself, Bruno starts out by thoroughly investigating all the possibilities in search of the best translation for his work, which will also provide a unique visual experience by means of the most diverse resources and materials.
In theater, he has worked in several productions, among which "Urinal - O musical" (2015) won the "Reverência Award" for best scenIC DESIGN; "1984" (2018) was nominated for the Shell Award in the category of scenIC DESIGN; "A View from the Bridge" (2018), nominated for the Aplauso Brasil Award for best scenic architecture; Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812", nominated for the awards of best scenic architecture by Aplauso Brasil Awards and for best setting by Reverência Awards; and Dogville (2019), nominated for best production by Cesgranrio Awards. In 2022, Bruno was responsible for the scenography of two operas at the Municipal Theater of São Paulo, namely "Navalha na Carne" and "Homens de Papel", both based on two of Plínio Marcos plays of the same names.
Bruno's versatility also embraces cinema, in which he has worked as a set designer in critically acclaimed features such as "My Hindu Friend" (2015), "Elis" (2016), "Nothing to Lose" (2018) and "Marighella" (2019).
On TV and on Streaming, Bruno has consolidated his name as a multifaceted professional, by navigating through several productions such as "Cidade Invisível" [Invisible City] (Netflix), "Girls from Ipanema" (Netflix), "Beleza S/A" (GNT), "The American Guest" (HBO), among others.
Bruno also signs the scenography of the series "Olhar Indiscreto" [Prying Eyes] by Netflix, and "Além do Guarda-roupa" [Beyond the Wardrobe], by HBO Max, the FIrst dorama (a Japanese/Korean soap-opera genre) produced in Brazil.
In theater, he has worked in several productions, among which "Urinal - O musical" (2015) won the "Reverência Award" for best scenIC DESIGN; "1984" (2018) was nominated for the Shell Award in the category of scenIC DESIGN; "A View from the Bridge" (2018), nominated for the Aplauso Brasil Award for best scenic architecture; Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812", nominated for the awards of best scenic architecture by Aplauso Brasil Awards and for best setting by Reverência Awards; and Dogville (2019), nominated for best production by Cesgranrio Awards. In 2022, Bruno was responsible for the scenography of two operas at the Municipal Theater of São Paulo, namely "Navalha na Carne" and "Homens de Papel", both based on two of Plínio Marcos plays of the same names.
Bruno's versatility also embraces cinema, in which he has worked as a set designer in critically acclaimed features such as "My Hindu Friend" (2015), "Elis" (2016), "Nothing to Lose" (2018) and "Marighella" (2019).
On TV and on Streaming, Bruno has consolidated his name as a multifaceted professional, by navigating through several productions such as "Cidade Invisível" [Invisible City] (Netflix), "Girls from Ipanema" (Netflix), "Beleza S/A" (GNT), "The American Guest" (HBO), among others.
Bruno also signs the scenography of the series "Olhar Indiscreto" [Prying Eyes] by Netflix, and "Além do Guarda-roupa" [Beyond the Wardrobe], by HBO Max, the FIrst dorama (a Japanese/Korean soap-opera genre) produced in Brazil.
Bruno Anselmo é artista visual, formado pela Belas Artes (SP) e especialista em cenografia para Teatro, Cinema e TV. Com 19 anos de carreira, Bruno destaca-se como um criador inquieto, capaz de transitar entre os diferentes gêneros, estilos e linguagens. “Um contador de histórias através de imagens”, ele se define, partindo de um processo investigativo minucioso em busca da melhor tradução da obra em uma experiência visual singular, utilizando para isso os mais diversos recursos e possibilidades.
No Teatro, atuou em diversas produções, destacando-se entre elas “Urinal – O Musical” (2015), espetáculo vencedor do Prêmio Reverência de melhor cenário; “1984” (2018), indicado ao Prêmio Shell na categoria Cenário; “Um Panorama Visto da Ponte” (2018), indicado ao Prêmio Aplauso Brasil de Melhor Arquitetura Cênica; “Natasha, Pierre e o Grande Cometa de 1812” (2018), indicado aos prêmios Aplauso Brasil de Melhor Arquitetura Cênica e Reverência, de melhor cenário; “Dogville” (2019). Em 2022, foi o cenógrafo responsável por duas óperas no Theatro Municipal de São Paulo, “Navalha na Carne” e “Homens de Papel”, baseadas na obra de Plínio Marcos.
Mostrando sua versatilidade, no cinema Bruno atuou como cenógrafo em longas aclamados pela crítica, como “Meu amigo hindu” (2015), “Elis” (2016), “Nada a perder” (2018) e “Marighella” (2019).
Com passagens também pela TV e por produções dos principais serviços de streaming, Bruno tem consolidado seu nome como um profissional multifacetado, navegando entre produções diversificadas como “Cidade Invisível” (Netflix), “Coisa mais linda” (Netflix), “Beleza S/A” (GNT), “The American Guest” (HBO), entre outras. Bruno também assina a cenografia das séries “Olhar Indiscreto”, da Netflix, e “Além do guarda-roupa”, da HBO Max, o primeiro dorama (estilo de novela coreana/japonesa) produzido no Brasil.